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Canadian Freestyle Ski Association rebrands

The Canadian Freestyle Ski Association recently retained Will Creative of Vancouver to undertake a rebranding initiative. Will is servicing the account in association with Torque Sponsorship. The rebranding includes a change of name to Freestyle Canada, as well as a new logo and website at <>. The creative accompanying the new branding is intended to "inspire the world to live free."

"The challenge was to create a brand that lives up to the unparalleled athleticism and creativity of Canada's elite freestyle skiers," said executive creative director Nick Richards. "The result is a symbol of pride and passion, a burst of colour in a snowy white canvas, an explosive and expressive brand identity that reflects the courage and passion that resides in everything Freestyle Canada touches, a passion that is infectious, inspiring and irresistible."

Freestyle Canada is the national governing body for the skiing disciplines of aerials, moguls, halfpipe and slopestyle.

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