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Torstar begins StarMetro expansion

Torstar of Toronto has begun a national expansion initiative for its Metro line of urban commuter newspapers. The effort will involves a rebranding of the papers as StarMetro, with editions in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Halifax. The company will also expand the staff of its existing newsrooms in western Canada.

Accompanying this is an expansion of the company's digital properties in the same five cities. Consumers will be directed to a localized version of <> that will feature city and regional news, as well as national and international news. Consumers outside these five areas will see the national edition of the website.

Torstar is also preparing a national marketing campaign for the expansion, aimed at readers and advertisers.

"This initiative represents a major investment in journalism for Torstar in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Halifax where we already have a strong presence with our Metro newspapers and digital products," said John Boynton, president and CEO of Torstar. "We will focus on news our readers value highly, especially local news and investigative pieces that will set us apart from our competitors in these communities. This is one of the first executions in our transformation strategy, with many more planned over the next three years."

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