Clorox breaks Pine-Sol campaign
By Adnews Staff
Clorox Canada has begun a campaign for its Pine-Sol line of cleaning products that focuses on their disinfecting ability. Developed by FCB Canada, the campaign encourages consumers to clean more thoroughly, highlighting how Pine-Sol kills 99% of household germs and viruses, including COVID-19. The creative depicts common moments when people are too lazy to clean thoroughly. It includes television and digital advertising, as well as social media content. The campaign will runs through next summer.
“We leaned into those moments where we take cleaning shortcuts and brought the humour out of them,” said Troy McGuinness, group creative director at FCB. “We knew we were making commercials in a time of COVID-19, but we didn’t want the heavy piano and ‘in these times’ sort of commercial. We want to connect with people on a level that is relevant at any time.”