Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership begins winter campaign
By Adnews Staff
The Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation began a new marketing campaign last week called “Winter. Get Into It” to promote the province’s winter activities. The campaign began with the unveiling in Barrie, ON of a snow globe 20 feet in diameter, described by the corporation as the largest in the world. The globe will be taken on a tour of winter festivals in Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston and London between now and mid-February, accompanied by promotional workers who will distribute additional information. The campaign also includes advertising at Union Station in Toronto. This installation, which will run for three weeks, consists of scenes of winter activities. “The snow globe is a unique way Ontarians can be reminded of the endless winter fun and diverse experiences on offer in our province,” said Robin Garrett, president and CEO of the corporation. “The objective of the campaign is to remind Ontarians of the wonderful experiences our province offers and to encourage them to get into winter.”