UNICEF Canada conducts High Five It campaign
By Adnews Staff
UNICEF Canada has begun a fundraising campaign called "High Five It." Developed pro bono by Marketel of Montreal, the campaign encourages consumers to donate five dollars to the organization to help stop preventable child deaths. Consumers are also encouraged to post a photograph or a video of a high-five on social media and share it with five other people. The campaign is timed to coincide with Canada's hosting of the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup soccer tournament.
The campaign includes a video called "Simon Says," a website at <http://www.highfiveit.org>, and social media support. The video debuted at Tim Hortons Field in Hamilton, ON last Friday, where, during the halftime of a pre-World Cup exhibition match, 7,238 attendees set a new world record for greatest number of people simultaneously performing a high-five.
"In addition to being a sports-oriented and positive gesture, high-fiving is also a very social gesture at its core," said Marie-Nathalie Poirier, manager of digital strategy at Marketel. "So it was a natural link between the high-five, the cause, the FIFA Women's World Cup and sharing on social networks. It was also important that the mechanics be simple and accessible to all, which is the case for the ease of donating and the high-five tag of five friends."