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Magazines Canada selects board

Magazines Canada of Toronto has selected its board of directors for the next year. Deborah Rosser, publisher of Canadian Business, Profit and MoneySense magazines, has retained the position of chair of the board. The board’s directors include Joyce Byrne of Alberta Venture, Linda Gourlay of Saltscapes, Robert Goyette of Sélection, Jacqueline Howe of Transcontinental Media, Zoila Johnson of Toronto Life, Samantha Legge of TV Week, Kirby Miller of Canadian House and Home, Terry Sellwood of Quarto Communications, Melony Ward of Canadian Art, Derek Webster of Maisonneuve, Grant Young of Downhome, John Thomson of Canadian Geographic and Mark Jamison, CEO of Magazines Canada. Magazines Canada is a not-for-profit industry association that represents approximate 300 Canadian consumer publications.

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