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Knix begins Leakproof campaign

Apparel company Knix has launched a campaign called “Every Body in Leakproof” to promote its line of leakproof underwear. Developed by Hard Work Club of Toronto, the campaign features a 60-second commercial in the style of a music video called “Blood, Sweat & Pee (Nothing to Hide).” The execution features music by Exmiranda and depicts a group of people who “refuse to feel shame simply because their bodies leak.” The creative incorporates dancers, a skateboarder, a skipper, a drummer and a new mother. The campaign will run online and on television in Canada and the US, accompanied by out-of-home advertising.

“Knix is a glass-ceiling-smashing brand that has championed being raw, unapologetically free and real since day one,” said Meghan Kraemer, creative director at Hard Work Club. “We wanted this campaign to get honest about body leaks, but be deliberately playful doing it. A music video and early aughts inspired track felt like an interesting way to topple the taboos around blood, sweat and pee.”

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