See The Good campaign in preparation
By Rob Bale
An international social media campaign called “See The Good” is in preparation, intended to counter what it describes as “the rising tide of hatred and division.” The initiative, which will be conducted in association with the Montreal-based Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, will consist of weekly online videos featuring a range of participating celebrities speaking against prejudice based on race, gender or religion. The effort also includes branded merchandise that will be sold online at <>, as well as a contest for writers, artists, musicians and filmmakers, the winner of which will receive $5,000. The campaign will begin on Jan. 7, 2025.
“We are living in a time when young people are exposed to far too much divisiveness,” said campaign co-founder Anthony Wolch. “See The Good is a reminder that our shared humanity is far more powerful than our differences. See The Good launches as a beacon of hope in a world where hate is louder than ever. By shifting the focus to unity, the campaign aims to turn the tide, one small act of goodness at a time.”