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Jack Astor's begins High Standards campaign

Restaurant chain Jack Astor’s Bar and Grill has begun a new advertising campaign called “Annoyingly High Standards.” Developed by The Garden of Toronto, the campaign depicts the activities of a Jack Astor’s kitchen in order to highlight the “painstaking quality that goes into each menu item.” The creative makes use of employees of the company. It consists of digital and out-of-home executions, as well as influencer activities and will run until Feb. 24. Jack Astor’s is a subsidiary of SIR.

“In wanting to develop an insight-driven, real campaign that fit with the brand, Jack’s was brave enough to spill real employee complaints, and we sought out to cleverly twist them into an end product benefit,” said Lindsay Eady, creative director of The Garden. “They take extra steps and care to make food the right way, the annoying way, and that makes all the difference in the final quality.”

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