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Baycrest Foundation begins No Blank Brains campaign

The Baycrest Foundation has begun a campaign called "No Blank Brains" in association with the Telus Health Brain Project. Developed by Red Lion Canada of Toronto, the campaign is intended to raise awareness of issues surrounding brain health and the work done in this field by Baycrest Health Sciences. The initiative consists of cinema advertising that will run nationally in Cineplex locations through August. The commercial depicts various sculptures of human brains made from different materials such as mirrors, photographs and gelatin. Through reverse photography, the shattered sculptures become whole. The cinema ads will be supported by out-of-home advertising in the Toronto area.

"Our priority is to put brain health top of mind for all Canadians," said Laura Mandell, director of marketing and communications at the foundation. "We are confident that this bold approach will deliver on this objective and inspire people to think more about their own brain health."

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