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Manchu Wok resumes Wok of Fortune contest

Fast food chain Manchu Wok has resumed a contest promotion from last year called "Wok of Fortune." Developed by Tag Franchise of Toronto, the contest this year will take place in the United States as well as Canada. During the promotion, consumers who purchase a meal from the chain will receive a game card bearing an identification number. The number can be submitted online at <> for a chance to win a daily prize of a $100 pre-paid credit card or the grand prize of $5,000. The contest will run until Oct. 16, supported by in-store materials, radio and out-of-home advertising, and social media activities.

"After a successful 2015, we're generating more excitement for the brand in both Canada and now the United States as well," said Marisa Harris, account director at Tag Franchise. "We're confident it will expand their brand awareness by attracting new customers, while driving incremental sales from loyal customers."

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