Survey: Social media trends and marketing executives
By Adnews Staff
Toronto-based The Creative Group has released the results of a survey on social media trends and marketing executives. Eighteen percent of advertising and marketing executives surveyed responded that staying current with social media trends is very challenging. Fifty-three percent called it somewhat challenging, while 29% claimed it was not challenging. Twenty-two percent of respondents said the best place to stay current on social media trends is at networking events and industry association meetings. Twenty percent responded that conferences or seminars were best, while 18% favoured online training and 17% preferred trade publications. Ten percent said posts to social media sites were the best way to stay current, while seven percent preferred blogs. "The rise of social media has quickly and significantly transformed online marketing practices, making it challenging to stay current on industry advancements," said Lara Dodo, vice-president of The Creative Group. "To effectively navigate changes taking place within the social media space, it's essential for marketers to take full advantage of their professional toolbox. Leveraging available resources, both online and in-person, will help identify what information is most valuable."