BCIT begins Flexible Learning campaign
By Adnews Staff
The British Columbia Institute of Technology has begun a campaign called “BCIT Flexible Learning” to promote its part-time studies programs. The campaign is intended to raise awareness of the programs and attract students for the Winter 2023 term. It will run through January 2023. The effort includes traditional and digital media aimed at post-secondary students, the working population and business influencers in British Columbia. It consists of an information session on Nov. 1, 10-second radio announcer ads followed by 30-second radio ads, Skytrain posters and transit shelter ads, print ads, online videos, digital and search engine ads, social media content, website content, email communications and other elements.
“Accelerated demographic shifts in the workforce and economic challenges across industries have heightened the need for quick and relevant upskilling to fulfill in-demand jobs,” said Jennifer Figner, associate vice-president of academic operations at BCIT. “BCIT Flexible Learning answers this need. Ultimately, flexibility reduces barriers to education and allows learners to choose and customize the post-secondary experience that’s right for them today.”