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Ontario Student Assistance Program campaign begins

The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities has begun an advertising campaign to promote some recent changes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program. The television campaign broke yesterday and will run until June 25. Print ads will appear in English- and French-language community newspapers and 67 ethnic language publications. The TV ad uses the copy, “Sometimes it takes more than hard work to reach college or university. That's why Ontario is helping more students aim higher by introducing grants and doubling its investment in student aid.” The print ads read, “The new OSAP is about possibilities. Grants and subsidized loans enable more Ontario students to invest in their postsecondary dreams. A college or university education opens doors to a brighter, more prosperous future. And the Ontario Student Assistance Program can help make it possible.” The ads direct viewers to <> to learn about the changes to the program intended to provide more financial support to low- and middle-income families.

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