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Bellisio Foods readies Snakmandoo launch campaign

Bellisio Foods Canada of Mississauga has readied a launch campaign for a new line of frozen snack foods called Snakmandoo. Aimed primarily at millennial-aged consumers, the intent of the campaign is to depict the product as quick and easy to bake that can be eaten as a snack or a meal, alone or at a social occasion.

The campaign will begin on April 28. It will consist of digital banners, six-second bumper ads and 15-second pre-roll video ads. The creative uses the tagline, "Labels limit. Snakmandoo doesn't," as well as copy such as "It's dinner if you believe it is," and "Of course a snak can do a meal's job." It also includes social media activities, in-store sampling programs and a website at <>. The initiative was developed by Trevor Peter Communications.

"Gone are the days of planning for three square meals a day," said Karen Hsiung, director of marketing at Bellisio Foods. "Millennials are increasingly relying on snacking to fuel their busy lives. Snakmandoo can act easily as meal on its own, offering a heartier, more filling option than traditional foods in the snacking category. We want millennials across Canada to know that we're a brand that gets them, and not just when it comes to snacking."

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