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Canadian Blood Services conducts Missing Type campaign

Canadian Blood Services of Ottawa has begun a new awareness campaign called "Missing Type." Developed by Sandbox Advertising of Toronto, the effort makes use of a web browser extension that removes the letters A, B and O from website headlines and social media usernames, among other content. The extension was created by Jam3. As part of the launch of the campaign on Aug. 15, the City of Toronto darkened the Os in the "Toronto" sign at Nathan Philips Square. The promotion is part of an international initiative that began in the United Kingdom last year. Its intent is to raise awareness of the importance of the three most common blood types.

"Whether existing donors or not, a lot of people don't know their blood type, which means they don't know how unique and important they are," said Rebecca DeWinter, director of marketing and experience innovation at Canadian Blood Services. "With the absence of these letters and blood types, we are making people more aware of the constant need for blood and want them to become more curious about their own blood type."

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