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Branded Content Marketing Association expands into Canada

The Branded Content Marketing Association, based in London, UK, has expanded into Canada with the launch of a chapter in Toronto. The trade association works to represent the interests of branded content practitioners. It has additional chapters in Europe, Africa and South America. BCMA Canada will be headed by president Kaaren Whitney-Vernon. The first companies to join the organization include Walmart Canada, Shaftesbury, SGS International and KPMG. Members of the association will have access to a proprietary branded content measuring system developed in collaboration with Ipsos MORI.

"Canadian brands and marketers have really embraced the impact and potential of branded entertainment," said Whitney-Vernon. "We are thrilled to bring the BCMA to Canada and extend our efforts and expertise to the international stage. Our mission is to create an engaged and active community for branded content professionals throughout Canada and to work towards building a standardized tool for measurement. We look forward to welcoming like-minded organizations to join us in this endeavour."

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