Survey: Iconic brands of Canada
By Adnews Staff
Brand Finance Canada of Toronto has released the results of a recent survey to determine the most "iconic" brands in Canada, defined by the company as those brands "most capable of stirring up our patriotic emotions." The top ten brands were Canada Post, Canadian Tire, Tim Hortons, CBC, Air Canada, the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Montreal Canadiens, Petro-Canada, Via Rail and the CN Tower. "An iconic status ascribed to a brand is typically earned by a unique positioning in the national marketplace and the consistent delivery of a brand promise that has deep, patriotic resonance with its various stakeholders," says David Kincaid, president and CEO of Level5 Strategic Brand Advisors, which conducted the survey. "As a result, an iconic brand can not only help shape or define a country, but is so emotionally driven, that its constituents identify themselves through their association with it and reward it with their loyalty."