McSweeney's, WHL resume contest
By Derek Winkler
McSweeney’s Premium Jerky and Meat Snacks has begun a promotion in collaboration with the Western Hockey League called the “WHL McSweeney’s Minor Hockey Training Day Contest.” The snack food company has conducted this annual promotion since 2016. From Nov. 1 to Dec. 15, minor hockey teams in western Canada can enter a draw for a training session with a local WHL team, including on-ice and off-ice training, a meeting with the team and branded merchandise. Teams can enter online at <https://mcsweeneys.ca/hockeytrainingday>.
“McSweeney’s is honoured to, once again, serve as the official meat snack of the Western Hockey League and its devoted fans,” said Kylie Landry, director of marketing with parent company Direct Plus Food Group. “The WHL not only offers high-calibre hockey, but also fosters camaraderie, creating authentic Canadian moments. Together, we aim to enhance this Canadian tradition. Stay tuned for exciting activations, exclusive promotions and the opportunity to enjoy McSweeney’s Beef Jerky at WHL events in your community.”