Fuel renews two representation agreements
By Adnews Staff

Fuel Digital Media of Montreal has renewed its advertising sales agreements with Groupe Le Monde and Unify. The agency will represent the digital advertising inventory of these companies to Canadian advertisers and agencies. Groupe Le Monde operates online properties including LeMonde.fr, CourrierInternational.com, and NouvelObs.com. They reach a combined monthly audience of approximately two million in Quebec. Unify's properties include Aufeminin.com, Doctissimo.fr, and Marmitton.org and reach an audience in Quebec of approximately 1.5 million.
"Both agreements being renewed is proof once more of our commitment to developing fruitful, long-term relationship with our publisher partners," said John Sclapari, president of Fuel Digital Media. "Not to mention that the reputation, content quality and influence level of each of their properties provide significant value to our advertisers."