New regulator for patent and trademark agents
By Adnews Staff
The Government of Canada has established a new independent regulator for patent and trademark agents. Called the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents, the regulator is part of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. It will regulate the patent and trademark agent profession with the intent of ensure Canadians receive high-quality intellectual property advice and services. It will administer a licensing system intended to ensure that only qualified professionals are authorized to provide agent services. The college will also maintain an agent code of conduct and undertake investigations and enforcement when necessary.
“The establishment of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents marks an important milestone not only for our government's intellectual property strategy but also for the entire patent and trademark profession,” said François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry. “I look forward to seeing the college become a strong and dedicated professional regulator that will promote the highest quality of IP supports so Canadians can better protect and leverage their good ideas.”