RBC resumes Training Ground promotion
By Adnews Staff
RBC has resumed an athletic initiative called the “RBC Training Ground” for a fifth year. The national program is intended to identify potential future Olympic athletes. It is being conducted in association with the Canadian Olympic Committee, Canadian Olympic Foundation, CBC Sports and the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Sport Institute Network.
The program will consist of a series of events at university campuses in eight provinces at which participants will perform speed, strength, power and endurance testing. The 100 top performers will then compete in a national final in Winnipeg. Up to 30 winners will receive funding, mentorship and membership in one of nine participating sports organizations. These include Ski Jumping Canada, Nordic Combined Ski Canada, Boxing Canada, Freestyle Canada, Speed Skating Canada, Cycling Canada Cyclisme, Rowing Canada Aviron, Rugby Canada and Canoe Kayak Canada.
“At RBC, we are proud to support Canadian Olympic athletes at every stage of their careers,” said Mary DePaoli, chief marketing officer at RBC. “RBC Training Ground is bridging the gap between next-generation talent and Olympic medallists, and we will experience the results first-hand as we cheer on graduates of our program at the 2020 Games. We look forward to continuing to work with our partners at the COC, COPSIN and CBC Sports for the fifth year of RBC Training Ground to unlock the potential of the next generation of Olympians.”