Survey: CMOs and digital operations
By Adnews Staff
Dentsu Aegis Network has released the results of its 2019 survey of chief marketing officers and their views of the marketing industry’s shift to digital operations. Eight out of ten respondents recognized the importance of this shift, but ranked it as a lower priority than addressing short-term needs. Regarding data management and analytics, 84% of respondents identified these capabilities as important to future success, but only 49% were confident in these capabilities today. Eighty-three percent identified the importance of customer experience, but only 60% said they are developing this capability well. Globally, 41% CMOs report flat or declining budgets for the next year, while 64% expect increases.
“This data, gathered from across ten markets, shows that senior marketers are now grappling with an added dimension to the challenge of balancing short-term goals with strategic vision,” said Will Swayne, global president of client solutions at Dentsu Aegis Network. “Much has been written about the optimal mix between performance and longer-term brand investment, but that is no longer enough. The new challenge for CMOs is to balance those pressures with the existential need to put the marketing function at the heart of customer-led, business transformation.”