CNIB Foundation rebrands, breaks new campaign
By Adnews Staff
The Toronto-based CNIB Foundation has begun a rebranding initiative and a new digital campaign. The new branding, developed by TwiceDDB of Vancouver, is intended to reflect the organization's work to create "a future where people who are blind can live their dreams without barriers or restrictions." Designed to be more vibrant, the brand materials make use of a high-contrast colours, along with a new logo and typography selected for accessibility by people with low vision.
"This new brand embodies the boldness of our strategic ambitions and our optimism for a future without limits for every Canadian who's blind," said Rob Hindley, vice-president of marketing and social enterprise at the foundation. "DDB has been with us every step of the journey, working closely with us to amplify our brand's unique strengths and ensure it reflects the needs of our organization and community as we enter our second century of operation."
The digital campaign promotes the organization's new "Phone It Forward" program, which encourages consumers to donate old smartphones for use by people with sight loss. The campaign, developed by Chime Digital and Door Knocker Media, includes online videos, television executions and social media activities, as well as search engine marketing and a website at <>.