CPA Canada conducts Master Change campaign
By Adnews Staff
Chartered Professional Accountants Canada has begun a national advertising campaign called "Master Change" intended to encourage business leaders to hire CPAs. Developed by DDB Canada, the campaign depicts chartered professional accountants as "thought leaders and decision-makers" who can increase a business' chance of success. It focuses on the expertise and relevance to business of the profession. The English and French campaign consists of a television commercial called "Record Label," accompanied by out-of-home, print and digital advertising, as well as social media activities. The creative directs viewers to a campaign website at <>, which offers information on subjects such as machine learning, climate change and ride-sharing.
The initiative also includes a sponsorship with CBC reality program Dragon's Den and an integration component with Télé-Québec Indice McSween. The campaign will run until the end of March 2018. Media buying and planning is being conducted by PHD Canada.
"Last year's campaign succeeded in positioning CPAs as navigators of change who can help drive business success," said Carol Wilding, chair of the organization's branding committee. "This year, our objective is to build on the previous campaign by drawing inspiration from the world around us, both past and present, and showcase CPAs' ability to help businesses thrive during turbulent climates as masters of change."