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OPSEU begins Shop LCBO initiative
By Adnews Staff
The Toronto-based Ontario Public Service Employees Union has begun an online campaign called "Shop LCBO." It consists of a website at <http://www.savethelcbo.ca>. The initiative encourages consumers to buy beer, cider and wine from Liquor Control Board of Ontario retail stores rather than from other retail locations that would carry these products should their wider sale be legalized. The theme of the campaign is that the money generated by LCBO sales is used to pay for public services rather than profiting private companies.
"We can't afford to lose the LCBO," said Denise Davis, chair of OPSEU's Liquor Board Employees division. "The profits from LCBO sales help pay for teachers in Cornwall, MRIs in Timmins, highways in Simcoe County, hospitals in Thunder Bay, child care spaces in Toronto, Western University in London, Mohawk College in Hamilton and more. If we give up those profits, we have two options: raise taxes or cut important public services."