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Hollywood Suite begins rebranding effort
By Adnews Staff
Toronto-based specialty television company Hollywood Suite has undertaken a rebranding initiative for its four high-definition channels. On Nov. 2, the channels will be re-launched as Hollywood Suite 70s Movies, Hollywood Suite 80s Movies, Hollywood Suite 90s Movies and Hollywood Suite 2000s Movies. The four channels are currently branded Warner Films, The MGM Channel, action channel Hollywood Storm and romance channel Hollywood Festival.
The new names will be accompanied by a redesigned visual style intended to establish a single brand identity for the four channels, as well as the company on-demand service, mobile applications, website and social media pages.
"With a focus on consumer choice in an era of vigorous competition and regulatory change, the new unified and simplified Hollywood Suite brands will create an emotional connection with consumers by leveraging the nostalgic value of the greatest films of the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s," said Hollywood Suite president David Kines.