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Study: Consumer attitudes to direct mail
By Adnews Staff
Canada Post has released the results of a study into consumer behaviour toward physical mail compared with email and social media. The study, called "Breaking Through the Noise," also considers consumer emotions and attitudes toward mail. According to the publication, consumers consider the receipt, sorting and reading of physical mail to be a "ritual" that is tied to coming home. According to the study, repeated exposure to brand messages in the home helps marketing mail to "get noticed," "trigger action" and "enhance customer value and loyalty" more than digital forms of advertising.
The study states that twice as many consumers reported enjoying receiving direct mail more than digital advertising. They were also more likely to "associate feelings of happiness or surprise" with physical advertisements. Respondents also reported keeping direct mail items such as catalogs, flyers and menus. Nine out of 10 consumers said they get ideas for household shopping from flyers and check grocery flyers at least once a month. One in five reported using unaddressed mail for unintentional purchases, while one in three used it to help with planned purchases.