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AcuityAds signs video ad deal with SlimCut Media
By Adnews Staff
AcuityAds of Toronto has formed an agreement with SlimCut Media, also based in Toronto, to offer the latter company's new form of online video advertising in its represented properties. The ad unit takes the form of a video between the paragraphs of an online article that does not load until the reader scrolls down the page. Through this agreement, AcuityAds will deliver these in-stream video ad units to a collection of North American online publishers. The ads will be offered in Canada initially, expanding into the US later this year.
"Quality video inventory is scarce in the marketplace today and ends up exposing advertisers to tremendous risk in their attempts to achieve scale and quality targeting for their online video advertising needs," said Tal Hayek, CEO of AcuityAds. "The SlimCut Splitbox ad unit eliminates the risks associated with current online video by offering advertisers guaranteed 100% transparency and viewability across a network of 100% premium inventory that meets the needs of both advertisers and publishers."