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Crohn's and Colitis Canada breaks awareness campaign
By Adnews Staff
Crohn's and Colitis Canada has begun what it describes as its first advertising campaign. The initiative, developed by Brees Communications of Toronto, consists of a 30-second television commercial using the tagline, "Make it Stop. For life." Additional elements include print, out-of-home, radio and online advertising, as well as public relations by Smithcom Communications. The November launch is timed to coincide with Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Month. It is part of a larger program that seeks to raise $100 million over the next five years.
"We really wanted to bring this disease out from behind the washroom door," said Liz Falconer, president and CEO of Brees Communications. "Finding out these diseases are on the rise among children under the age of 10 really is important for Canadians to understand. The pain and the stigma surrounding Crohn's and Colitis have to stop. The suffering in silence has to stop. That's what this campaign will hopefully do."