Loblaw breaks new President's Choice campaign
By Adnews Staff
Grocery company Loblaw Companies of Brampton, ON has begun a new branding campaign for its President's Choice product line using the tagline, "Crave More." The campaign, developed by John St. of Toronto, is intended to encourage consumers to "expect more from their food," according to the company. The new branding will be supported with an advertising campaign consisting of television, print and out-of-home executions, as well as redesigned digital and social media materials, a new website at <http://www.pc.ca> and public relations activities. Loblaw describes the initiative as the most ambitious and comprehensive campaign in its history.
The campaign will break today with a 60-second television commercial using the creative theme of humans discovering new foods through history. It ends with the copy, "If you don't search for more, you'll never find it." A second ad will focus on the natural colours of food and the lack of artificial colours and flavours in President's Choice products.
The brand's digital and social media channels will be used to promote trends in food, incorporating video, text and photographic elements, as well as community discussion features.
"In an age when curiosity and scrutiny surround the purchase and enjoyment of food, President's Choice will remain Canada's most thoughtful and engaged food brand," said Galen Weston, executive chairman and president of Loblaw Companies. "Today's customer craves more distinct and exotic flavours. They crave more knowledge about what is healthy and what is not. They crave information about where their food comes from and how it is made. And they are engaging every day in passionate conversations about food quality, taste and trust. The President's Choice brand has led and served Canadian taste buds and food interests for three decades. We've never witnessed a time when our role as a food manufacturer and retailer has meant more. The modernization of our brand will mean more food innovation, greater consciousness around product sourcing and ingredients, and a heartier dialogue with Canadians who share our excitement and curiosity."