CBC/Radio-Canada launches Curio.ca
By Adnews Staff
CBC/Radio-Canada has launched a new educational website at Curio.ca. The site is intended to provide streaming access to video and audio content from CBC to educators for use in classrooms. The content is organized into subject categories such as arts, business, education, health, history, geography, science and social sciences. Each categories contains various sub-categories, and the site allows users to search for content by age group, subject matter and file format. The sites library contains several thousand media files featuring CBC radio and television personalities including George Stroumboulopoulos, David Suzuki, Alain Gravel, Peter Mansbridge, Arlene Dickinson, Céline Galipeau, Charles Tisseyre and others.
"CBC/Radio-Canada is proud to offer this new educational resource for Canadian educators and students," said Neil McEneaney, interim executive vice-president of English services at CBC. "Curio allows students to tap into CBC/Radio-Canada's extensive network of quality produced content to help them better understand the world. This trailblazing resource has allowed CBC/Radio-Canada to reach new heights in fulfilling its mandate to inform, enlighten and entertain the nation."