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Wine Country Ontario conducts Untweetable campaign
By Adnews Staff
Wine Country Ontario has begun a new campaign called "Untweetable" intended to encourage residents of the province to discover local wines. The campaign, developed by Agency 59 of Toronto, consists of outdoor and print advertising supporting a Twitter-based contest. The print ads will run in two issues of Food and Drink magazine, while outdoor ads are running on columns, transit shelters, buses and subways in the downtown Toronto area. Billboards are running in Toronto and Ottawa. The ads encourage consumers to attempt to "tweet the untweetable" with text or images describing a Wine Country Ontario experience. The contest will run until July 14. Two winners will receive trips to the province's wine region. "We are delighted with how this campaign invites wine enthusiasts to fall in love with our local wine experience," said Hillary Dawson, president of the Wine Council of Ontario. "Wine Country Ontario offers each individual to connect with us in their own unique way and this campaign supports this by suggesting that no one image can tell the whole story. An amazing tourism experience, including great tasting wine, is at the core of everything we do and all of the elements of this campaign support these key messages by offering Ontarians to connect with us emotionally in a very creative way."