Website roundup
By Adnews Staff
Toronto-based non-profit organization MicroSkills has redesigned its website at <>. The organization focuses on skill-building programs for new Canadians, women and youth. The new site, developed by Eden Advertising & Interactive of Toronto, incorporates a cleaner user interface, easier navigation, online videos, a search function and social media features. "Building a highly effective online presence for MicroSkills was very important to all of us at Eden," said Esther Willinger, president of Eden Advertising. "Newcomers to Canada, low-income women and at risk youth endure many challenges. However, developing a web presence that facilitates Microskills' cause and enables their clients to easily access the programs and courses needed to better their lives in the Canadian workforce was a driving motivation for the Eden team and a very meaningful and fulfilling project for all of us who participated in its development."
Toronto-based Certified Management Accountants of Canada has constructed a new website at <>. The site offers accountants and students access to various publications, research materials and other information pertaining to management accounting. These materials include practices, guidelines, case studies, issue papers and online seminars. The site also includes a blog. "We created the blog to be a forum where management accountants can connect," said Andrea Civichino, research editor at CMA Canada.