IAB Canada creates western regional council
By Adnews Staff
IAB Canada of Toronto has formed a new western regional council that will support the digital advertising organization's members in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. The council will be headed by Trevor Carr, CEO of Noise Digital. It function will be to increase awareness of the importance of digital marketing in that region of Canada. Its activities will include educational and networking events, as well as the production of research and case studies related to display, video, search, social, mobile and gaming advertising, along with data collection and analytics. "Western Canada has always been an important part of the total Canadian marketing and advertising ecosystem, but has reached an important inflection point in the digital arena in the last few years, as reflected by both the long-standing vigor of online publishers including Bell Media, BlackPress, Postmedia, QMI Sales, Rogers and Shaw Media, as well as more recent allocation of resources to the area by companies including Casale Media, Yahoo and Facebook," said Paula Gignac, president of IAB Canada. "The west is also home to a host of both large and small and tremendously innovative agencies, plus digitally-savvy advertisers."