Canadian Out-of-Home Measurement Bureau chooses new board
By Adnews Staff
The Canadian Out-of-Home Measurement Bureau has selected a new board of directors. Sheri Metcalfe, vice-president and co-managing director of Jungle Media, has been appointed chair of the board. Jeanne Northcote, managing director of MediaCom, is the past chair. Ron Hutchinson of Astral Out-of-Home remains treasurer. New board members include Sara Hill, president of M2 Universal, Glenn Hollis, marketing vice-president of Tim Hortons, Julie Myers, president of Zenith Media, Frédéric Rondeau, media director of Bos and Marc Giguère, executive vice-president of indoor advertising at Newad. Returning board members include Val Meyer of Astral Out-of-Home, Nick Arakgi, Michele Erskine of CBS Outdoor, Peter Irwin of Outdoor Broadcast Network, Randy Otto, Bob Leroux of Pattison Outdoor, Shelagh Stoneham of Rogers Communications, Ed Weiss of The BrainStorm Group and Andy Querin of Zoom Media.