Nature's Path Organic Foods conducts cereal campaign
By Adnews Staff
Nature's Path Organic Foods of Richmond, BC recently conducted a consumer campaign for its Flax Plus Pumpkin Granola cereal. The initiative, which used the tagline "Get on the Path," used "personal sustainability" as its theme. The campaign included promotional materials in coffee shop, sampling programs in Portland, Boston and Vancouver, social media activities, an online game, train and bus wraps, as well as television, print and radio advertising. "We want this campaign to motivate people to learn more about the path to sustainability without any of the green guilt," said Maria Emmer-Aanes, director of marketing and communications at Nature's Path. "We've tried to make the campaign fun, quirky and a bit tongue-in-cheek to let people know that sustainability is a journey and that we all make mistakes along the way, but that the point is to get started." The campaign was developed by Egg Brand Development of Seattle.