Danone Group conducts Evian Masters promotion
By Adnews Staff
Danone Group has begun a contest promotion tied to the Evian Masters women's golf tournament in support of its Evian bottled water brand. The winner of the national contest will win a trip for two to next year's event, which will take place from July 24 to 27, 2009 in Eìvian-les-Bains, France. Canadians can enter the contest, which will run until August, by sending a text message. The winner will be determined by a random draw in September. The contest will be promoted with in-store advertising. "For the last fifteen years, Evian has been home to one of the great stops of the women's golf tour, making the Evian Masters core to the Evian brand," said Jeff Caswell, marketing vice-president for Evian North America. "We want to give Canadians the chance to see world-class women's golf being played in one of the most unique settings in Eìvian-les-Bains, France, the origin of Evian natural spring water."