M2 Universal releases social media survey results
By Adnews Staff
Toronto-based M2 Universal has released the results of a global survey on social media conducted by Universal McCann in 29 countries. According to the results, 59% of online Canadians have created a profile on a social networking website such as Facebook or MySpace. While this percentage is in line with the global average, Canadians are less active in blogging. In this country, 65% of online users read blogs and 23% have created their own blogs. Globally, the average figures are 73% and 35%. The survey also found that 78% of Canadian Internet users have watched online video clips, 27% have uploaded videos to a video sharing website, 42% have uploaded photos to a photo sharing website, 29% have downloaded a podcast and 18% have subscribed to an RSS feed. "Social media has become a mass medium for many Internet users, and Canadians are part of the global growth," said Peter Vaz, director of M2 Universal. "There is enormous opportunity to connect with consumers using social media networks."