Quebec media directors pick new board
By Adnews Staff
Le Conseil des directeurs médias du Québec has selected its board of director for the next year. Sylvie LaSalle of St-Jacques Vallée/The Media Edge has been appointed president. François Vary of Communications François Vary is the past president. Maria Spensieri of Allard Johnson Communications has been appointed secretary and treasurer. Sylvie Chartré of Palm Arnold Communication, Yves Michel of LXB Communications, John Tarantino of Cossette and Jean-Charles Rocha of Touché PHD have been named vice-presidents. Other board members include Marielle Ruelland of Amalgame, Christophe Mayen of Bos, Ody Giroux of Carat Strategem, Alain Tardy of Marketel, Luc Cormier of Média Experts, Mike Chiasson of OMD Montreal, France Aumont of Popcorn and Cathy Baier of Pubpointcom.