Canadian Blood Services breaks Beauty of Blood campaign
By Adnews Staff
Canadian Blood Services has begun a new radio and television advertising campaign called “The Beauty of Blood.” The campaign, developed by DDB Canada of Toronto, is intended to encourage a new generation of Canadians to become lifelong blood donors. The 30-second TV commercial, called “Carry One,” depicts a man walking along a series of sidewalks while carrying someone else over his shoulder. The man eventually puts down the person, who walks away. A caption reads, “Give someone their life back. That’s the beauty of giving blood.” The ad will air nationally on Star, The Score, History, Space, Food Network, Showcase, Bravo, TV Tropolis, HGTV, Fashion Television, Mystery, National Geographic, BBC Canada, Discovery Health Channel, IFC and DejaView. The campaign also includes a 30-second radio ad as well as posters and floor decals for clinics. “We want to change the way people think about blood,” said Steve Harding, executive director of marketing for Canadian Blood Services. “Thanks to Hollywood, blood often has a negative connotation and is associated with things such as death, injury and gore. This new social change platform attempts to shift this paradigm, showing Canadians that blood is actually a beautiful thing. We all have it and we all need it. Blood connects us all. That’s the beauty of blood.”