Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame breaks campaign
By Adnews Staff
The Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame began a national campaign this week to promote its fourth annual gala event, which will take place in Toronto on Jan. 28. The campaign, developed pro bono by DDB Canada and OMD Canada, consists of out-of-home, newspaper and radio ads in Toronto, Montreal , Vancouver , Halifax and Calgary. The effort will run until early March, when a televised broadcast of the event will air on CBC. “Songwriters are often overlooked, but are a very important part of music. We wanted the campaign to shift the spotlight and give them the recognition they sorely deserve," said David Leonard, president of DDB Canada’s Toronto office. The creative recreates familiar album covers, replacing the name of the performer with the name of a songwriter. The ads use the tagline, “Behind every great singer is a great songwriter.” The radio ads demonstrate what radio would be like without songwriters by presenting stations that play nothing by time announcements and commercials. These ads use the tagline, “Without songwriters there would be no music.”