Dose to cease print publication
By Adnews Staff
CanWest MediaWorks plans to cease print publication of its free daily publication Dose. According to the company, the youth-oriented brand will continue in Web-based and mobile formats. The publication was launched in April 2005 to service the 18- to 34-year-old demographic. The website will be moved into CanWest’s interactive division and made the youth channel of the group of sites. “In this very competitive newspaper market, we feel the printed publication will not produce the financial results we expect over the long term, however, we see a growing product in the Dose online and mobile offering which we will continue to develop,” said Peter Viner, president of CanWest MediaWorks. “We plan to keep the best elements of Dose and weave these into our Web, mobile and general content strategies. By leveraging our other key media assets throughout the country, we will be able to continue to provide our advertising clients with creative, integrated solutions.” According to the company, the website currently attracts approximately 160,000 unique visitors per month. Approximately 50 positions will be eliminated when print publication ends. CanWest MediaWorks will retain approximately 10 Dose staff through its organization. The date on which print publication will cease was unavailable at press time.