Traction Creative Communications hires nine
By Adnews Staff
Traction Creative Communications of Vancouver has added nine new employees. Kelsey Dundon, previously a freelancer, has been hired as a writer. Madoka Hara, also a former freelancer, has joined the agency as Web builder. Anna Kilian, most recently at the firm's Whistler office, has moved to Vancouver as a senior designer. Nicole Hutton, formerly of Club Intrawest, and Sara Stephenson, lately of Newad, have joined the client services department at Traction. The agency has also hired studio manager Judy Bau, previously at Letterbox Design, and production artists Andrea Fiander and Michelle McKendry. Fiander was previously at Grapheme Koo, while McKendry was formerly at Rogers Video. Michael Mok joined the company earlier this year in the newly-created position of creative director.